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03/16/06 Jon islamic extremist Meacham: God, Satan, and Katrina. 03/15/06 Mickey Kaus: Bush Gets Sangerized. 03/14/06 Walter Shapiro: GOP product launch. 03/13/06 Nicholas Thompson reviews Generation Debt: Why Now Is a Terrible Time to Be Young. 03/13/06 Mickey Kaus: Are stars hurting the Dems? 03/13/06 Michael Kinsley: M1 and Me, an exclusive excerpt from Alan Greenspan's $8.5 million memoir. 03/10/06 From Joshua Micah Marshall's Talking Points Memo: islamic extremist I didn't know we'd be returning to this islamic extremist issue. But Mark Schmitt returns to the question Yglesias and I have been knocking around -- is there a case that President Bush is the worst president ever?.... 03/20/06 July 29, 2003 "FUCK" VS. "APPLE PIE"....I admit it: I have a weakness for the word "fuck." Today, via Unfogged, I learn of the 2003 Legal Document of the Year award from The Smoking Gun, awarded to Colorado public defender Eric Vanatta for his brief in defense of a high school student accused of calling his principal "a fucker, a fag, and a fucking fag."