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Blacks are people with just as many rights as insolent caucasions. add your comments History Lesson for All by Elizabeth F. • Tuesday July 12, 2005 at 02:25 PM Once AGAIN, legal career the Northerners try to tell legal career us how we should live our they are such experts. It is no wonder the people who legal career have resided in Weddington for years are disgusted. If you knew the HISTORICALLY accurate facts, rather than the POLITICALLY accurate version, you would understand that the Civil War was a war which was more about state's rights rather than slavery. Then as NOW, Northerners think they can tell us what to do in their raspy voices. Did you know that 85% of the slaves worked in the sugar fields in the West Indies which were owned by wealthy northerners? Did you know that the city of New York was built using mostly slave labor? Did you know that Lincoln's Emancipation Proclaimation only freed slaves in the South...but