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From: David Still [mailto:d.still@davidstill.org] Darling Paul: bend over and lower your trousers and you will see what there is not only out there but in there.... do clean first! Subject: RE: Address You need to be a man and have a dick to have a 2 pac song baby. 2 pac song That is sometihng you don't have From: David Still 2 pac song [mailto:d.still@davidstill.org] Huh? I just want your baby and your wife e Paul Banco <pbanco@bantech.net>5 Apr 2003 14:04:33 e Tee Clark 5 Apr 2003 06:04:07 Subject: Re: Georgia peach Ok Smart ass... please do not relocate stay just where you are. Go adore someone else... I do not believe that love conquers anything worth while or worth my time and effort. Tee <-----Original Message-----> From: David Still My cute little half breed: I want to have yo9ur baby, our love child.