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Here's a video of it! Sunday, March 05, 2006 Download cole hauser our 2 Full Lengths online for Cheap we finally got our stuff available to download online. $8.60 for A Weakness for Spirits cole hauser and $7.92 for 22 songs. or better yet $16.52 for both.Click Hear to Buy 22 SongsClick Hear to Buy A Weakness for Spirits Thursday, February 23, 2006 Fitzy's Tour Diary- circa 2-17-06 to 2-20-06 Signs a roadtrip has been successful:1)Nobody is leaving the band upon returning home.2)Everyone comes home in the van. Nobody has to fly home because cole hauser they fell in an empty pool and broke two ribs.The trip started on Friday morning. It was raining which made everything really wet. We were all supposed to be at the space by 10:30 for loading out. Me and Gurley got there at 10:15 because we believe in the whole early bird catches the worm thing. Plus if the rest of the band had showed up early, it would have pained us to think of them loading everything out without being able to help them.