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Politicians bemoan the bloodthirsty horror of video games, but really the niggaz standards are almost Victorian when compared to R-rated Hollywood fare such as Sin City and Kill Bill and Cinemax's Voyeur Safari niggaz IV: Dildo Island. You get a little harsh language and some comic-booky sprays of gore, but that's about it. There is an "AO" (Adults Only) ESRB rating for games, but when is the last time you saw it? We're not for speeding the moral degradation of the modern world, but imagine a Hollywood where niggaz only PG-13 movies could get made. Say goodbye to everything from Shindler's List to The Matrix. Chances of that happening... We've got one hyphenated word for you: Wal-Mart. The largest game seller in the world simply won't stock games with the "AO" rating. Period. So those games won't sell and developers won't make them. So until they invent new and varied and Wal-Martless ways to sell the games, we're stuck with the AO games found only in our fantasies. 5. And on the opposite side of the nipple coin...