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2. Cooper’s mannequin during his stage show at that time had the greatest legs…but unfortunately, it also possessed the most enormous nether bush a paul brogren person could imagine--it looked kinda like Danny Devito‘s hair when he starred on “Taxi.” I know that such pubic hair was de rigueur at the time, but…a person just can’t deny the recent reports emanating from Columbia University linking excess vaginal hair to increased feminine paul brogren odor. Right now, any rocker should currently be able to pick up this DVD up for between paul brogren 10-15 dollars, and it’s worth that easily. Although it’s true the skits are gayer than Clay Aiken at the premiere of Brokeback Mountain or Paul Stanley shopping at Follicles R‘ Us, the performance is essentially a piece of hard rock history which still contains music that stands up more than favorably today.