Uh, yeah. He does videos dick cheney

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Uh, yeah. He does offer up a lot of interesting asides though and in fact he hits it right on the head when he compares much of dick cheney the shenanigans that they were engaging in (at one point the cast and band were frolicking with both an elephant and a tennis shoe wearing donkey) to dick cheney the type of behavior one might be expect from a group like the dick cheney “psychedelic Monkees”. Basically, these skits should only be viewed with the “commentary” on, but if by some chance a viewer were to find themselves continuously watching the entire film without this option, then that lucky potato chip eating amorphous blob needs to seriously evaluate where they are in life--if a person were to boil it all down, what I’m saying is that this DVD ain’t funny in the same way Jim Carrey in the Pet Detective wasn’t funny or even in the same way it wasn’t funny when your mother slept with your uncle before you were born.
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