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Sometimes there would be nothing at all parker posey except an unblemished carpet of water that stretched from horizon to horizon, hiding everything beneath its surface. Now, in this story, we aren't talking about an "in-country" parker posey vet; we need to state that right up front. We aren't talking about a real fighting man. We're talking about a fucking bystander, who only stepped foot on solid RVN to load body bags for burial at sea. We're talking about a fucking REMF who had a bunk and a chow line, a parker posey laundry and a shower; but who none the less seems to remember being there and feeling a profound sense of loss on many occasions. And who had a unique role that left scars and burn marks on his soul and a lot of questions in his mind. In the process of telling this, we just may not mention certain ancillary details that really don't need to be mentioned or may not be ready to come to the surface just yet.