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So, for instance, an REMF Mother Fucker to a grunt may only be an REMF mother fucker to the support artillery, or possibly only an REMF if they somehow work closely together. The point is, as standardized as the distinctions are, their application is speech a purely relative thing, although not completely arbitrary..... the Brass who sit in the Pentagon are REMF Mother Fuckers to everybody. The conflict between vets and their personal application of REMF categories can be intense. It's easy speech to assume we all had speech it bad and others had it easier. It's harder to stop and understand the multitude of perspectives that exist. As has been said many time before, everybody's war was different. This is a story of a simple dude - an REMF to some; and REMF Mother Fucker to others - who never got any closer to a battle than slightly out of mortar range; who only watched as the tracers moved gracefully across the sky from ground to gun ship and back again; who sat in awe hundreds of yards off shore while hills burst into flame as incredibly fast moving jets skimmed treetops; whose soul dropped out through the bottom of