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I'm feeling like Hudson Hawk when he finally gets to drink his cappuccino, everything before this is now small potatoes, this is the good life. Then I realise I have to go back through the smoke, the cramped elevators just to get back to my office. But hey all I wanted was coffee and I got coffee although it took me a whopping 35 minutes to get jim henshaw this done. All that was missing was the jim henshaw pleasure of cannonballing a poodle out of a castle window. Jeliel³, works in the IT industry despite his jim henshaw better judgement. He writes to better his writing but he's a shutterbug at heart and wishes he could make a living of it once he's improved his technique. (You can visit This World I see to see some of his photographic works) A member of The Dead Tree Society, he consumes books like a fat man eats a cheese burger. Die hard fanatic of all things Matrix, he can hold entire conversations using quotes and paraphrases from the trilogy. Yes he’s a geek. Visit A Disturbance in the Force for more bloggy goodness.Like