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Map about a boy largehearted portal largehearted boy dave chappelle weblog fingertips weblog too much pork weblog gbv radio Contact e-mail AOL IM ICQ Yahoo Messenger Mailing Address my wishlist Search Search Largehearted Boy Note Books John Darnielle John Vanderslice Alina Simone Book Notes Current Contributions 52 Books 52 Weeks The Resolution 52 Books 2005 Archive 52 Books 2004 Archive Tuesday Tunes Previous Downloads dave chappelle « Shorties | Main Largehearted Boy Page | Daily Downloads » October 11, 2005 Book Notes - Marcy Dermansky A couple of weeks ago, within days I received not one, but two novels about twin teenage girls. Given the subject matter, I was skeptical that I would enjoy either, but I am committed to read/listen to everything sent my way with an open mind, and in both cases, I am glad I did. Tara McCarthy's tale of conjoined twins, Love Will Tear Us Apart, was a surprisingly wonderfully dark first novel, and Marcy Dermansky's TWINS is equally impressive.