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US Senate's Byrd-Hagel resolution (passed 95-0 on 5 July 1997) opposes U.S. acceptance of any climate change commitment that excludes the developing world or would seriously hurt zoe records the U.S. economy. Thus, Kyoto was unanimously rejected in a major showing of bipartisan unity before it was even "born". Making it a part of a partisan debate and blame game now demonstrates total ignorance of the historical record. COMMENT #83 [link] ...Daniel Bibbens said on 9/1/2005 @ 2:08pm PT... Openning one's mouth to prove oneself a fool. zoe records It's better to keep quiet and zoe records let them guess. The odd are better that they'll will guess wrong. Speaking of odds, I thought I'd offer this poignant reminder... COMMENT #84 [link] ...Brad said on 9/1/2005 @ 2:08pm PT... Btw, all of your "Little Green Football" folks coming by, you may want to read the actual article that your blogmaster quoted out of context before commenting here.Or not.Choose to believe what you like. *Or* actually inform yourself before commenting blindly.Up
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