They need WATER! Thanks mca home video ecards

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They need WATER! Thanks again. Make those phones ring. ^_^ COMMENT #52 [link] ...superwoman said on 9/1/2005 @ 12:26pm PT... texaslady #28, Thank ecards you so much for your kind ecards words. You don't know how badly I am in need of them. And, yes, that feeling of being alone and isolated is ecards so frightening!Most of all, thank you for telling me that my voice is needed. I appreciate that. I don't know if those not in my shoes can have any sense at all just how difficult it is to voice these things, unless there is really a willingness to hear.That was the true gift of Cindy Sheehan. She founded a community where, for three weeks, people spoke from their hearts and shared their true grief and fears and rage, and it was HEARD, and accepted, and cared about. All the pretenses were dropped and people were accepted as just who they are.
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