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COMMENT #25 [link] ...BUSHW@CKER said on 9/1/2005 @ 5:14am PT... "Oh, the [IN]Humanity!" of President George W Bush. COMMENT #26 [link] ...Torqued said on 9/1/2005 @ 5:52am PT... He understands more than he lets on. He understands that his remaining minutes are few in this country and he also knows his escape plan has been covertly breached.Oh he knows plenty, or sanyika shakur he should if sanyika shakur hes on a-need-to-know-basis. His underbelly is exposed as are all the zionist yellow bellies sanyika shakur on the bugout.Ya got the loot but now what ya gonna do rocky? rocky? georgie? Got luck? COMMENT #27 [link] ...texaslady said on 9/1/2005 @ 6:02am PT... #22 I must be missing something - Bush's short tenure? Not even considering Bush won't support discussion of Global Warming. -In his "short" tenure" our borders are going downhill, jobs are leaving, we are borrowing 1 Billion a week, health care is non existant or so costly you can't afford it at work, POVERTY HAS RISEN 1 MILLION MORE THAN LAST YEAR, our young are dying in an illegal war.