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We have no reason to be in Iraq right now. None at all. Our rape and torture of POWs and detainees is deplorable. It unreleased tupac lyric serves no purpose. When I was in the Army, had any of my buddies unreleased tupac lyric been engaged in such activities, every last one of us would have done what we could to stop it. Not only would most of the troops reported it, commanders would have started serious investigations immediately. At a lower level, they probably would have “blanket-partied” anyone involved. I wouldn’t even rule out the possibility that someone might have fragged an NCO or junior officer involved, too. That was my Army. Today’s Army is considerably less professional, and suffers from a serious lack of professional military leadership. The civilian leadership is even worse, providing guidelines like the Bush Doctrine which expands our offensive role. America needs to wake up to what our military is doing and insist that it resume a defensive role, as opposed to an expansionistic one.