tupac album, matthew grace, eraser, 2 pac lyric, pat metheny, gift set, marissa ribisi, i 2 pac alive, sit 'n spin, marthawainwright, laurel thornby,
kthxbui198Anorexic personim very very very very very journal very fat. dr.phil canyou please help?197military fani agree firefighters do suck ass, cause the military are way more ownage. Screw youfirefighters! Join the army! 196strippaIm a gay motherfucking douchebag who sucks cocksfor a living and strips for gay porn films whilejacking off to hot sweaty men goodbye everyone imgoing to go fuck myself in a gay porn house whichis where journal i belong. o yes and journal i also have no penisi only wish i had one so please suck my cunt.195strippaYou fucking dumbasses who the hell do you thinkyou fucking are sitting back there thinking aboutyour love for fucking technology ahh yeahcomputers turn you on! you zitty faced four eyesmutha fuckers can lick my penis and payyour respect to the firemen because i am going tolaugh if you die from your boyfriend(the computer)blowing up and the firefighters don't give ashit about you!