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It has a reputation for acerbic. mos def humerous and opinionated writing around topics of interest to geeks. Compare the traffic for The Reg and BoingBoing — pretty similar. And Bloglines reports that BoingBoing has readership of ~38,000 to El Reg’s ~15,000. mos def Fuck-ups, character attacks, and underinformed rants by Cory et al are just as dangerous to the world at large, and this smug attack on The Register is just an excellent example. Hell, at least ye olde newspapers have a “Letters” page to allow readers a right-to-reply. Perhaps Cory could learn a thing or two from mos def the fourth estate. BoingBoing could get themselves a readers blogger to handle complaints, rather than rely on their own judgement on what deserves sharing. Maybe then, he could claim any level of superiority over other online publications. boingboing corydoctorow theregister Posted by rod at 07:15 PM | 4 comments January 10, 2006 The two Johns must die If you’re writing music playback code that you’re going to have to keep running and debugging and trying to get working, don’t just use a folder of They Might Be Giants MP3s for testing.