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Black Hat - airborne instructor swear words Blanket party - the act of beating someone sensless in their bunk after lights out by throwing a blanket over their head so they can not identify the perpetrators. Blue Falcon - someone that screws others over for their own comfort or convenience. A more acceptable way of calling swear words someone a "buddy fucker" Bo-Koo - a lot (from French beaucoup) Brass - Colonels and generals Brown Hat - swear words Drill sergeant Brown Round - Drill sergeant's hat Buck Sergeant - Sergeant (E5) Bugout - a hasty retreat Bunk - Bunkbed Butter Bar - the insignia for a Second Lieutenant; from the appearance of the individual yellow bars on each shoulder or lapel. Cannon fodder - (what cannons eat), infantry Chief - unofficial form of address for any Warrant Officer (WO1 to CW5) Chow - food, or "breakfast/lunch/dinner".