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[edit] Non-acronym slang and expressions 11 body bag, 11 bullet catcher, 11 bang bang - pejorative term for MOS 11B, Infantry rifleman. Usually used incest by 11C's (mortarmen) 4th point of contact - As incest in "you guys had better get off of your 4th points of contact ..." Reference to the buttocks, which impact the ground following the feet, calf, and thigh when incest properly executing a Parachute Landing Fall (see PLF, above). Term comes from Airborne units, but is understood by all ... and a Wake-up - the day you leave an ongoing duty assignment; usu. in conjunction with leaving a combat zone or leaving the service. Used as a means of counting down to the transtition. For example, if today is Monday and you leave the service on Friday, if someone were to ask when you get out, the answer would be "three days and a wake-up." (Tuesday to Thursday, with Friday being "the wake-up") Ate up - something that's messed up or not up to the standard.