california, local punk band, feature film action/adventure, battle dress uniform, bulletinboard, hip, jason london, musician jokes, naming, music magazine, slavery, gear, michael chapman, randy quaid, picture tupac, gabe jeffrey,
I was thinking more along the lines of, “Way to go, chubby. Keep pissing away the opportunity of a lifetime because you can’t stop drinking anything put in front of you. Now roll over, fat chops – our left arm is going numb.” This doesn’t help. *** And so what is my resolve and/or solution? None and none. Things are looking 504 boyz decidedly downward: I’m getting older, 504 boyz I can’t drink like I used to, and I’m wasting precious pre-deadline 504 boyz time. Not only that, but it’s the holidays, which I hate (maybe this is why, but I’m not a therapist). Maybe that nervous breakdown that I wrote about in Post One is nigh. At least, I think, that would be very good for site traffic. In the meantime, I can only do what I do best: sit at my desk and stew.