random, 2 pac shakur, mandana beigi, contemporary, action / adventure, journals, matthew mcconaughey, outlawz, contests, business, humor, pranks, 2 pac real audio, sciforums, edi, david icke, quotes, insulted, creative writing,
I don’t see this changing anytime soon: what passes for historical education in our country (e.g. teaching kids that a white men ‘discovered’ places where brown people had been living more or less prosperously for centuries) cds just reinforces this bullshit, and the revisions to that way of teaching history haven’t seeped far enough cds past the collegiate level in order to stem the tide. In short, we here in cds the States are happy with our self-deception, and we ain’t inclined to change any time soon. 17 Ben Martin Mar 5th, 2006 at 10:20 am Yes, but… I think the real take-homes from this story are: (1) Merely identifiying yourself as a progressive is not enough. There are a lot of people who want to sound, let’s say, hip and cool, who ultimately aren’t (2) Even if you really are progressive, you can be right on some things and still be very wrong on others, you have to return to the basics.