richard linklater, jarhead(full screen), stories, khadafi, news for grownups, charlize theron, independent artists, wiley wiggins, interviews, invented names, david steinberg, makaveli cd, poetic justice, sexy, jarhead(umd mini for psp), lori tan chinn, punk band, confession, tupac greatest hit lyric, christmas, catherine avril morris,
Plus, itz got an hour long seazon finale! What a great show. if u loved the prev. seasons, Gotta get katie ford this 1 Was this review helpful to you? (Report this) 1 of 4 people found the following review helpful: Excellent Gift DVD, February 1, 2006 Reviewer:Kraston W. Scott (Bellevue, NE katie ford USA) - See all my reviews Short katie ford and to the point.....Excellent DVD set for personal use or as a gift. Very funny and uplifting! Was this review helpful to you? (Report this) 3 of 6 people found the following review helpful: Enjoy!, January 13, 2006 Reviewer:J. Copperstone (Oregon) - See all my reviews I love this series. Larry reveals the lughead in all of us liberal-minded folk who try constantly to "do the right thing" when we have no idea why we're doing it or what our true motives are! He hilariously takes on the Hollywood/celebrity elite by exposing his own hypocrisy.