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Other guests include Ted Danson ("The Weatherman"), Russell Means ("Wandering Bear"), and puff daddy Gina Gershon ("The Survivor") as a Hasidic hottie. In addition, the hour-long season finale ("Opening Night") puff daddy boasts a bevy of stars, including Davids old colleague Jerry Seinfeld, Nathan puff daddy Lane (Broadway's original Bialystock), and fellow Tony Award winner Anne Bancroft (The Miracle Worker). As they've done since the early days, Cheryl Hines (Cheryl David), Susie Essman (Susie Greene), and Richard Lewis and Wanda Sykes (as themselves) do what they can to keep one-man demolition derby David in check. --Kathleen C. Fennessy Product Description Larry David lives a charmed life-an understanding wife, famous friends, a supportive manager and an angelic singing voice so what's his problem?