i'm still kinda unsure sex bulletinboard

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i'm still bulletinboard kinda unsure of how this all works, but i'm assuming that this post is being posted on my profile page or something... trying to figure out what to do with my day. perhaps i should be writing my treatment for school on monday.. but for whatever reason, i'm not prepared to do that. perhaps i should be reading the book my boyfriend told me bulletinboard that i absolutely have to read.. but i'm feeling a bit dumb and dismal. i think i'm going to take my lazy ass to the health club for a bulletinboard change (i joined the mother fucker 2 months ago and still haven't gone. how pathetic is that?) ta-ta for now!last edited by punkrockwhore on May 14, 2005 at 5:21pm 5 replies Become a Model | 18 U.S.C. 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement / Privacy Policy / TOS | © 2006 Killshot Productions Jump to content. Goofy Vs Regular October 21-23, 2005 Etnies Skatepark of Lake Forest "Goofies just want to be Regular, and Regulars just want to be Goofy."-
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