kevin dillon, literature, all eyez on me, jack straw., california, local punk band, feature film action/adventure, battle dress uniform, bulletinboard, hip, jason london, musician jokes, naming, music magazine, slavery, gear, michael chapman, randy quaid, picture tupac, gabe jeffrey, by francesca lia block,
by Matt on February 21, 2006 06:17AM (EST) We were going to head home bands for this long holiday weekend and check on my stepfather who's still recovering from CABG ("cabbage") surgery - coronory artery bypass graft surgery - better bands known in the vernacular bands as "single-bypass, double-pass surgery, etc.). Simply put, you have ischemic arteries in your heart that can no longer efficiently pump blood to the heart muscle itself which is then at risk for destruction. So they take so veins from your legs. Presto, chango new coronary arteries to bypass the sick ones. I digress. Last wednesday I started getting what I thought was a headcold and in class on Thursday, had this ridiculouly dry, unproductive cough. I figured it was the infection settling into my chest, too and went about my business. Friday came along and I was no longer breathing so hot.