Wegmans v. General Motors george w. bush pictures

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Wegmans v. General Motors (Score:5, Interesting) by bgfay (5362) on Saturday August 06, @07:50AM (#13257475) (http://bgfay.blogspot.com/) I live in Central New York where we have the pleasure of shopping at Wegmans Supermarkets. Wegmans uses a shopping card, is very receptive to even pictures the smallest suggestions pictures from customers, and goes out pictures of their way to satisfy all customers. They track purchases carefully and have a giant database from which they mark trends and make changes. To put it simply, they rely less on the brand name and more on continuously improving and changing. For this reason, they have sent at least three different supermarket chains in the area scrambling or out of business. Wal-Mart hasn't even made much headway because Wegmans is so good.Then there's GM. This dinosaur doesn't give people what they want--a well-built car that lasts a long time and sells for a reasonable price.
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