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It would probably cost a few thousand pounds to do the conversion. If British homes can do it, pretty much anyone can - especially Americans, who seem to live on larger pieces swearing of land on average.It's also perfectly feasible to build electric-powered cars which recharge themselves from the Sun (or from being plugged into one of the above-mentioned houses), and travel at reduced speed to increase safety and efficiency without, in practice, swearing having a vast effect on journey time. Today's cars are lumbering beasts which need amazingly swearing big engines to move them around - and I'm not just talking about SUVs. Hybrid engines are an improvement in efficiency, but it shouldn't take that much power in the first place.As for the argument that wind farms cause bird deaths... I wonder if anyone has bothered to compare a wind farm to a typical commercial airport in this respect. Birds get sucked into jet engines quite a lot as well. It's funny how "old" windmills are seen as a charming and traditional piece of the landscape, but these "new" wind turbines - which are far less visible - are vilified at every turn.