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Sandline Ars Praetorianet Subscriptor Tribus: Vancouver, B.C. Registered: December 20, 1999 Posts: 1283 January 31, 2005 14:33 So instead of debating james morrison (ii) the science behind Global Warming, you all turn this into a moronic "us versus them" argument. Ridiculous. quote: I've only been seeing this stuff, along with the Global Warmers (now coolers) james morrison (ii) posted and repeated constantly for 15 years, ever since I met someone who belonged to Earth First!. What, so you are judging global warming to not be a problem because you've only been paying attention to the enviro-wackos? I don't judge the Republican Party on Ann Coulter's ravings.I don't judge the animal rights movement on PETA wackosI don't judge Global Warming on the opinions of enviro-wackos I do care what NASA thinks about Global Warming. You know, the guys with the billion dollar satellites and PhDs from MIT?