tupac unreleased mp3, mp3 tupac shakur, kevin dillon, literature, all eyez on me, jack straw., california, local punk band, feature film action/adventure, battle dress uniform, bulletinboard, hip, jason london, musician jokes, naming, music magazine, slavery, gear, michael chapman, randy quaid, picture tupac, gabe jeffrey, by francesca lia block,
Wow, the Daughters of The Texas Republic hires retards. Good for them. Seriously, I would have respected you more if you would have said you thelast detail one your third grade finger painting contest. So.....you basically haven't done shit with your life thelast detail except have babies. Anyone can have a baby stupid. You just spread your legs. Trust me, having babies doesn't mean you've accomplished shit. All it means is you've created more of your gene pool, which is scary as hell. Hopefully they'll get your husbands brains. thelast detail On second thought, that might not be such a good idea. After all, he slept with you. Unless he has beer permanent beer goggles, he can't be that smart. Then again, I'd have to drink too if I had to listen to you for more than 15 seconds at a time. My head hurts from reading your email. I'm going to go now.