"I have killed. I name development i 2 pac alive

quotes, insulted, creative writing, interscope, tupac song lyric, songs, kurupt, brand, punkrock, ernest ozuna, evocative names, bbs, adam goldberg, dendrie taylor, tupac album, matthew grace, eraser, 2 pac lyric, pat metheny, gift set, marissa ribisi, i 2 pac alive, I've made bongs with less. Hurry up! Thurgood Jenkins: It was the summer before 9th grade, and there was me, Brian, Kenny, Scarface, and of course the lovable Old James... hold on, wait a name development minute... Old James... Old James wasn't name development there... I don't even know nobody named Old James. Thurgood Jenkins: This weed was the shiz-nittlebam snip-snap-sack. Thurgood Jenkins: [in a woman's voice] Samson... it's Sheila... M-Momma fell... Samson Simpson: Shut up, bitch! Thurgood Jenkins: I've heard people say you name development don't get high the first time you smoke. Not me. No-o, not us. WE were really REALLY high. We was to' up! Browse titles in the movie quotes section by letter:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other You may report errors and omissions on this page to the IMDb database managers. They will be examined and if approved will be included in a future update.
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"I have killed. I have helped kill. i 2 pac alive I have killed part of myself. I cannot change this. i 2 pac alive I... I must seek Buddha. I must seek Christ" Thurgood i 2 pac alive Jenkins: You must seek therapy. But that's just where I would go with that. Thurgood Jenkins: The MacGyver smoker is a very handy guy to have around, especially when it comes to reefer. McGayver Friend: Hey, man, we're out of papers. McGayver Smoker: All right. Then get me a toilet paper roll, a corkscrew and some tin foil. McGayver Friend: We don't have a corkscrew. McGayver Smoker: All right. Then get me an avocado, an ice pick and my snorkel. McGayver Smoker: [Friend looks at him funny] Trust me, bro.
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