poetic justice, sexy, jarhead(umd mini for psp), lori tan chinn, punk band, confession, tupac greatest hit lyric, christmas, catherine avril morris, poetry, comedies & family ent.,
this monday. frankie will be reppin' the final scratch. bring some depends because you'll be sure to move those bowels to this guy's jams. -mike 12.09.02 hip hop yeah, we know we suck. hip hop no updates, like ever. well, i dont really see any of you fuckers updating the page either, so fuck off. hip hop anyway, good month at fuze. we're recovering from the ass raping involved in paying headliners and fixing broken crossfaders (hmm... who did that???). December will be a sweet month for local action, and we're shooting for more headliners after new years. so come give us your 2 dollars. hotnuts + sekret 412dnb guest in kentucky this weekend. its the home of the slugger so make some mother fucking noise. -mike 10.31.02 October was 'bangin'... to say the least. This month we are going to continue to 'bang' it by presenting the different elements of dnb.