poetic justice, sexy, jarhead(umd mini for psp), lori tan chinn, punk band, confession, tupac greatest hit lyric, christmas, catherine avril morris, poetry, comedies & family ent.,
click for webcast. -JayChitty 10-27-03 this week there has been a slight change in incest line up, Morriscode and Chroniclogic will be tagging in Nolan incest and Marshal's place. You all know these former fuze destroyers, so represent. Big ups to al who were at the salem show last weekend, it was bangin', incest I know I was booked somewhere else but I think it was totally worth it to see so many Yinzers getting down to the "Big D". Last but not least Peace and love go out to the family of Nate...Space the jungalist who unfortunately left us this past week. It was way to soon for a man of his dedication and love for our scene to pass on at such an early stage in his life. click for webcast. - JayChitty & 412dnb 10.14.03 tomorrow : philly invasion 7000000 - starring andy sine, illy emcee, and archetype. some people would refer to the calibre of this event as 'tits', so you better not miss it...