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i thought perhaps a transplant organ of some sort. perhaps some green glowing urainium rods. perhaps stainless steel tubular canisters containing even more curious amaru content. he took his time finding the keys to the box, almost begging to attract a larger audience. completely engrossed, i would have refused to board the plane till this drama had fully played out. my view was amaru temporarily blocked, but the voice of security was easily heard. "you sure do like to keep your candy safe, don't amaru you?” i immediately assumed that "candy" must be slang for drugs, or munitions. The line took a step forward. i saw the open box and it's contents. clark bars and paper clips. clark bars are probably the least dangerous of all candy bars (now a snickers is something to fear). even from a goodness perspective, clark bars hardly warrant being stored in a lock box. the four boxes of paper clips seem to be standard issue.