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Human beings double themselves every 40 years or so. 240,000 more people are being born every day than are dying. You can never ship that many off into space, no matter how hard you try. It's silly to consider because even if we could ship ourselves off the planet at a rate high enough to balance the population increase by piling 2 pac picture gallery into ships that traveled the speed of light we would fill up every star and planet in the entire milky way in about 2,000 years 2 pac picture gallery or so. And we think China's 2 pac picture gallery crowded. 1billion,2billion,4billion,8billion,16billion,32billion,64billion, 128billion,256billion,512billion,1024billion,2048billion,4096billion, 8192billion,16384billion,32768billion,65536billion,131072billion, 262144billion,524288billion,1048576billion,2097152billion, 4194304billion,8388608billion,16777216billion,33554432billion, 67108864billion,134217728billion.... God bless you, Dr. Kevorkian. (p.s. everything I just said I stole directly from people who are smarter than me.