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I'll stomp on your world as if my name was Godzilla. I'm coming for you mother fucker, I'm your Krazee-Eyez Killa. Larry David: What are you doing there? Man: A little plumbing. pictures Larry David: A little plumbing! Got to plumb! Plumb the depths! The depths of hell! Larry David: Have you ever played telephone before? You don't even know how to play telephone, do you? Cheryl: I *do* know pictures how to play telephone. pictures Larry David: Oh, do you? Cheryl: Yeah, but I usually play the "G" version. It's usually something like, "Susie lives down the lane." Larry David: The kid didn't say "Susie lives down the lane," he said "I love tits!" [Larry just found out the show tempo is a lot faster than the rehearsal tempo] Larry David: Bullshit, that's not the tempo. Get out of here. Blind Man: I think it is. Larry David: What?
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