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Looks like the Republican governor of Texas had things going correctly in Texas. People got evacuated. Does Bush get any credit for this, being that he got blamed for the Democrats not leaving during Katrina? COMMENT #620 [link] bryan gordon ...franci said on 9/24/2005 @ 7:53pm PT... i would have to say that bryan gordon i wholeheartedly disagree with your sentiment that the red staters got what they deserved. i am from a so called 'red state' and nearly half the people here (in kansas) did bryan gordon not vote for bush, myself included. let's not forget that nearly half of the entire country did not vote for bush. the whole red state vs blue state shit really needs to cease. the whole damn country is's the professing of comments like that which give fuel to all those on the 'right'. COMMENT #621 [link] ...theron said on 9/25/2005 @ 6:23am PT...