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I suggest a little green tea and some rye chips. COMMENT #305 [link] ...Jim C. said on sexy 9/1/2005 @ 8:44pm PT... I read the excerpt on LGF. Reading the sexy whole thing here didn't change my opinion of it at all.BF wrote: "Even LGF's reply to my comment is wholly bereft of anything that represents actual information, honesty or reality."In actuality, that pretty much describes your and Cannon's remarks.A disaster like this has been in the making for decades. And of course, sexy the only people responsible are Republicans. Clinton didn't fix it, either, but he has none of the responsibility.Joseph Cannon wrote: "A large part of me still believes that many of these W-worshipping numbskulls deserve to suffer and to die. They brought it on themselves. Let them look to Jayzuss for aid: It's time they stopped leeching off the more productive blue staters...So, at least, I started to write. But then (to paraphrase the old song) I thought I'd better think it out again."Oh,
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