culture: society, music magazine, poem, christin hinojosa, lawyer products, 2 pac pics, niggaz, jtkiefer, president bush, list of proverbs, tolerance, doublecross, tupac greatest hit lyric, james cooper (vi), cheryl hines, norman field (ii), sexy,
Neither could Barbour!!!! THEY WERE BEGGING FOR AID, BEGGING FOR FEMA ASSISTANCE!!!!!! BEGGING!!!!!!!DAYS AGO!!!!!! They couldn't get everybody out because they didn't even have the MANPOWER!!!!!! The result? No guard,army, no help at all. Those ENTIRE days!!!!!!!! You want to talk about trapped buses, those guards came along and laughed at the niggers and looters and said they should all get artist themselves out and they called them that. And when was that? OH TWO DAYS!!!!!! Two days after the artist massacre had wiped out almost the entire stadium!!!!Doug COMMENT #268 [link] ...RebelPOW artist said on 9/1/2005 @ 7:57pm PT... You're right, Dougie...There WAS voter fraud... unfortunately, it was the Dems in 2004 that did it:'t matter tho... this post may still be the worst ever posted on the web.... COMMENT #269 [link] ...bob