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Plautus has also written to me expressing a desire for change. I will also try to help. In the meantime, show him love. Love is the only hope for us all. If trinity don that doesn't work, well, at least we trinity don tried. --Jimbo I'm inclined to agree with Erik Moeller's followup [5] : Plautus is not reformable. He is a mentally unbalanced, paranoid delusional individual. The evidence here is about as clear as it can get. trinity don There is a discussion / evidence page at In an informal poll, 23 users have expressed that they want Plautus to be banned. 3 or 4 users currently think that he can be reformed. This situation is much clearer than it was with Clutch, and Clutch was banned. It is much clearer than it was with Helga, and Helga was banned. It is much clearer than it was with Lir, and Lir was banned.