talk:solidsnake, tupac song lyric, dark compact, saul rubinek, ip address, ernest ozuna, makaveli 2000, swearing, true stories, naming consultants, 2pacalypsenow, islamic extremist, sit 'n spin, 504 boyz, mp3 music, stella bridger, rock/pop,
upon learning that Thailand is secretly training an army of amnesia "super ape warriors", amnesia President Martin Van Buren immediately issued this statement: "If there was ever a time for pre-emptive war, and there isn't, this would be it." truer words have never been spoken, especially in such close proximity to a Yul Brennan reset. bovs. posted by uncle grambo | '>Feedback Wednesday, August 04, 2004 amnesia but lately there ain't been much work on account of the economy BEST NEWS EVER! no, not the fact that the medicinal marijuana bill was passed by Detroit voters yesterday (although that's pretty bovs). what I'm REALLY talking about is the news that Bruce Springsteen and R.E.M. are going to play a joint concert in Ann Arbor on October 3rd in support of!