AwardsDeauville Film Festival: Audience anti semitic incident 2 pac video

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AwardsDeauville Film Festival: Audience AwardLjubljana International Film Festival: Audience Award for Best FeatureSant Jordi Awards: Sant Jordi 2 pac video for Best Foreign Actor (Mejor Actor Extranjero)Stockholm Film Festival: FIPRESCI Prize for 2 pac video CompetitionSundance Film Festival: Waldo Salt Screenwriting AwardValladolid International Film Festival: Best New Director›  See more Awards NominationsIndependent Spirit Awards: Independent Spirit Award for Best Screenplay, Best Feature, Best Supporting MaleStockholm Film Festival: Bronze HorseSundance Film Festival: Grand Jury Prize for DramaticValladolid International Film Festival: Golden Spike›  2 pac video See more Nominations TriviaThe recurring theme of the film is dream sequences. The lead character's last name "Reve" means "dream" in French.Shot in 16 days.›  See more Trivia GoofsUnderwear visible when Nicole steps into the shower.›  See more Goofs Movie ConnectionsFollowed by: The Real BlondeReferences: The Wizard of Oz | The Fantastic Four | In the Soup | Reservoir Dogs | Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me›  See more Movie Connections QuotesNick: Great!
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