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These drums were laz alonso sweet, and the best part, they came with chimes. Best chimes ever as a matter a fact. We played with them for a while and then we laz alonso took off. Before laz alonso leaving the state we had to stop at Daddy's Junky Music in Dedham. We had to get Gurley's bass amp or something like that. We all shop there because they have the best deals and the best service, especially from Keith Sheehan. Man, this cat is one smooth salesman. He gave us the equipment we needed and also allowed us all to use the restroom. That was probably the best part cus we all had to go. I've been told the ride to Erie was a great ride, one full of adventure and amusement. Unfortunitly, I selfishly slept the entire way and lack any stories to tell. Well, that's not true. There was this one rest stop in which I awoke. Amy had been talking about how much she loved her hat, how it was warm and pretty and how she had sewn strawberries and a bird to it.