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The cultural war is just beginning and I'm truly sorry that I believe it will bring down the nation. If you believe in any sort of just God, you had better examine r u still down the evidence with an open mind at some point before it's too late. If not, you are in for r u still down a very rude awakening. The message of the physical intervention of God in the history of man is not a set of lies, nor another myth. If you feel that your "good person" lifestyle r u still down is either valid or acceptable to a perfect Creator, again you will be fatally mistaken. Politics and religion are the same; those that generally support the President understand that the cultural war has begun and President Bush is a godly man doing his best to protect and lead a nation that is "divided against itself." Good luck to you in the world to come. SUBJECT = You are a SCUMBAG!!!!!!!!!!!!! NAME = [NONE] MESSAGE = I certify that I'm no scumbag homo. You have the balls to place this on your site. Let me tell you, prayer for yourself!!!