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The parents should NEVER take away a teenager's privacy like that unless they deserved it by commiting a crime or something. Masturbation is not evil or wrong, but it michael griffiths (ii) is normal. Everything on your page made me want to scream my head off, because anybody that reads that will do it because it is from michael griffiths (ii) the white house. That is all I have michael griffiths (ii) to say about that. I just wanted you to know that. And by the way, this is not a threat or anything, just my opinion. SUBJECT = You Suck NAME = Travis MESSAGE = You are totally morons. I think your site, opinions, and lack of thought on this site and nra-kkk site are repusive. Too bad you LOST the election. Go to France. SUBJECT = Stop Making Fun of Bush NAME = Inertia Jones MESSAGE = I just breezed through this website on the way of writing the president about how good of job he is doing.