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link To my work colleague, We need to Pass a Law that says for every car that is disrupted by these stupid bridge jumpers should get a hours worth of time in the pokey or slammer. i.e. 60,000cars / 24hours / 365days = 6.8 years. Maybe they’ll think twice. link NEXT page home submit your own vent my boss (115) my boyfriend bums (134) my brother (19) my bums classmate (35) my daughter (4) my bums ex-boyfriend (185) my ex-girlfriend (104) my ex-husband (18) my ex-wife (23) my father (55) my flatmate/room mate (78) my friend (255) my girlfriend (60) my husband (67) my mother (57) my parents (2) my sister (30) my son (8) my student (1) my teacher (47) my wife (26) my work colleague (109) myself (220) Advanced search Total vents: 1658 a blogjam presentation. YourStoreDVDSee All 32Product Categories Your Account | Cart | Wish List | Help | AdvancedSearch | BrowseGenres | TopSellers | New & FutureReleases | TelevisionCentral | Life& Learning | DVDEssentials | BlowoutDVDs | MovieShowtimes | UsedDVDs Search Amazon.comDVD