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YOU PISS ME OFF! Nothing in your site is FUNNY!NOTHING! WHY Did you do THIS? I THINK tupac pics YOU ARE THE BIGGEST IDIOT. I'LL TELL BRIAN ABOUT THIS FUCK. WATCH OUT MF!! You can't be both M and F - make your mind up. I HATE You. LEAVE tupac pics HIM ALONE. Hope to hear tupac pics from you soon. Love and big snogs, Richard (Manager - Monkeon Publishing Corp)" Anyway, they say today's youth are apathetic so this perhaps is a sign that future generations will save us all with their idol worship and misplaced anger. For his response to my email, he seemed to have learnt a few lessons in grammar - such as the rule "!!!!!" after "!" except after "????". "FUCK OFF!!!! YOU THINK THAT YA ARE VERY IMPORTANT RIGHT???? SHUT UP AND WRITE YA FUCKING STORIES ABOUT OTHER STARS AND DON'T TRY TO CORRECT MY MESSAGE!!
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