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Why no!  They had no idea how bad the customer service experience was for so many.  Not them!  That’s all those other companies, theirs is 2 pac mp3s all about the customer. Some might think that this is a good thing, that these businesses are taking note and that they will change things.  My answer to that?  Maybe a few, but don’t hold your breath waiting for a business to put the customer 2 pac mp3s first.  Because even if you do get through right away without going through a maze 2 pac mp3s of b.s. they disguise as, “helping the customers by putting them in the right direction”, (such crap), when you do finally get a person, more than half of them are extremely rude, don’t speak clearly and don’t listen.  If I were to write a post every single time I called a company and had piss poor customer service, this site would be updated about 10 times a day.  Quality customer service starts with paying the reps a little bit more than they are getting and training them before throwing them on the phones, not just about the product but how to deal with people on the other end of the line and removing those who are incompetent, impatient, rude, mumble or don’t
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