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['foo' in gap]> on Saturday August 06, @10:40AM (#13258106) (Last Journal: Saturday October 04, @10:52PM) This is still branding. Instead of branding individual products, and mature porn dvd incurring the cost of promotion for each product, one brands a retail outlet, and reduce the advertising cost as a percentage of revenue. This is what Walmart does, without any hassles of cards. Affinity cards mature porn dvd are part of this branding. They exist to remind the customer of the shop, mature porn dvd and may limit the customer choices due the inconvince of carrying multiple cards. For the purpose of data collection such cards are hardly neccesary, as most of us do not use cash. Sales can be matched to most customer through payment accounts. In fact stores that primarily want to gather personally identifiable information can do so without the need of affinity cards.