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Granted, it is the impression I got on my first playthrough - but after seeing that Big Boss was far more similar to Solid Snake than either of his other children, it made more sense mother fucking shit to think that Snake is expressing more of the same genes as his father than either Liquid mother fucking shit or Solidus- which would imply that he's got the "dominant genes" - and that mother fucking shit Liquid got the "better" recessive genes, that he mistakenly believed to be flawed... gah, the more I think about this, the more I want a game with Liquid as the protagonist. Perhaps the article should say something along the lines of: "Blah de blah - the sons of Big Boss were birthed through the manipulation/separation(Mix-match?) of the legendary soldier's dominant and recessive genes. Solid and Liquid represented the opposite ends of the spectrum, one expressing all of Big Boss' dominant genes, the other all of Big Boss' recessive genes... Solidus, on the other hand, was a "perfectly balanced masterpiece" - blah de blah...