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Talk:Solid Snake From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Contents 1 Snake's Smoking Habits 2 Dominant/Recessive 3 Generic? 4 images 5 Snake's real name 6 Ac!d 7 Meryl 7.1 Green Berets? 7.2 DOB Removal mature tits tgp 7.3 Vandalism 8 More than minor edits 8.1 Confusion with another character? 8.2 MGS3 Appearance - Confusion [edit] Snake's Smoking Habits I just mature tits tgp wanted to mention mature tits tgp that this article doesn't sufficiently talk about Snake's smoking habits. I think its worth mentioning because one wouldn't know he was a smoker at all unless they read closely. And still they wouldn't know his prominince for being a smoker. I don't think I'm up to writing about, so I think its up for grabs. You know, that "Nah, just found a light." line makes me think that this could be another joke on Kojima's part. That is, while in all the games you have cigarettes or cigars, it is never shown in the player's inventory some means of lighting them (save the end of Metal Gear 2, but the cigarettes are gone at that point anyway).